New joy at the school each Saturday

This Saturday the teachers were surprised by flowers and sincere wishes from the students. Pelėdžiukai and kindergartners were covering the alphabet: some were learning new letters, some were reviewing what they already learned, wrote out new words and sentences with them. That's the joy of learning! We also took some time to notice the changes that the fall is bringing, the new colors outside. The first grade students were playing some active games, recreating the natural happenings. All classes completed their paintings and crafts for the school's fundraising event. We colored them with our palms and fingertips. We are also growing the most beautiful word tree and added some new words this Saturday. The fifth and sixth grade girls surprised us with their creativity - they told their written tales about the beginning of the school. 

We also read the tale "Golden Bridge", analyzed and discussed the meaning of it. The third graders acted the tale out. This was the first stage of our project "Baltos lankos, juodos avys, kas išmano, tas jas gano..." Next Saturday the students will be illustrating the tale. We look forward to the next Saturday to enjoy the creativity of our students.

Lithuanian School