The school has started

We started today with the Lithuanian Anthem and then rushed to our classrooms. We covered the student rules and how we should act in the school, that we have to be respectful, focused and studious.

Pelėdžiukai were learning the number 1 and made angels, as this word starts w an "A".

The kindergartners sang, learned how to say good morning, introduce themselves. They also played and remembered colors, shapes and used beads to count to twenty. Our little ones were enjoying the start of the fall and played outside.

The first graders remembered the alphabet with their teacher Renata. Later, they worked with the history teacher Povilas to understand their passports, talked about Lithuania and enjoyed some beautiful pictures.

Some third graders reviewed what they learned last year, while others started to learn how to introduce themselves, tell which languages they and their parents know.

The fifth, sixth and seventh graders were listening to V.V.Landsbergis stories and tried to write some of their own. Their main story characters were fruit. During the history classes, the students were learning where Lithuania is, how big it is and who lives there. They also remembered the Lithuanian capital.

Today many students also participated in the music class, while others were singing.

We all have so much to learn and to discovered. We enjoyed this beautiful Saturday and look forward to the next classes.

Lithuanian School