May 14th at the Lithuanian Embassy

This Sunday at the Lithuanian Embassy we presented our project dedicated to the national costume: "Representation of Lithuania in spoken word and costume". We listened to the lecture "Lithuanian costume now and then" and saw Agnė Biskytė's collection "New Seasons" presentation. Agnė is a designer, professor and the founder of "BIS A BIS" fashion brand. 

We would like to thank Agnė for a very interesting lecture and collection presentation as well as the Washington D.C. Lithuanian Community for the attendance. We are also grateful for our wonder models, Živilei Kriščiūnienei, Eglei Parker, Vaidai Ličkūnas for modeling. Finally, we would like to sincerely thank the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Education, Vilnius Art Academy, Lithuanian Embassy in Washington D.C., Fashion House "BIS A BIS and Simona Ūžaitė.

Lithuanian School