Gathering "Old Lithuanian autumn gathering traditions"

Today we all met at the embassy for the final gathering of our "Baltos lankos, juodos avys, kas išmano, tas jas gano" project that covered the old Lithuanian autumn gathering traditions. We gathered to celebrate the end of the project and remember the old ethnocultural traditions. During the afternoon, our guests and students presented a tale about a wolf, who wanted to learn how to bake bread. The tale was told through songs and dances that involved not only the students, but everyone, who came to the gathering. We also announced the winners of our tale illustration competition. 

We are very thankful for our guests from Klaipėda National College, Andželika Bylaitė - Žakaitiene, Rima Ežerskienė and Jonas Kavaliauskas for introducing our students to your broad knowledge of ethnocultural traditions, old Lithuanian worldview, folk tales and all the old instruments. It was a great way for students to deepen their knowledge of Lithuanian traditions and expand their vocabulary in a fun and unique way. We also would like to thank the Lithuanian Education Ministry for their support for this project.

Lithuanian School